August 12#News

Testing a 2016 post

Fantastic things are happening...

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July 21#News

Business and tech must come together for data center consolidation.

The data center is increasingly an integral part of many companies' operations, and as such the industry is evolving on both a business and a technological level. While engineers and operators work to increase capability and efficiency, businesses are constantly looking for ways to maximize return on investment (ROI). Consolidation is the dominant trend, which aims to both reduce costs...

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March 20#News

IBM continues to be a leader in modern data center environments.

Recently, we have discussed the benefits of the modern data center. IBM is one leader that's stood out in this regard. In a recent article in Data Center Knowledge, Michael Vizard, an enterprise IT reporter, discusses the company's decision to open two new Network Innovation Data Centers, one in Dallas and the other in Nice, France...

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